wrong order of the assignments

Yana Furman
edited 12/09/19 in Smartsheet Basics


During the last week i noticed that the order of the assignments in the sheet got wrong. Assignment number 1 became 10 (for examle). I have about 1000 assignments in this sheet it's really a big problem for me. In the beginning i tried to organize it again in the way i want to see it (and according to the row id), but the day after it the order changed again!!

What's going on???



  • Hi Yana,

    Someone may be applying a sort to your sheet. You can spot them with activity log if you're on a business plan. Click the activity log button on the right of your sheet and check to see if anyone has reordered the grid or moved rows around.

    Otherwise, contact our Support team to troubleshoot this further, as there may be someone saving from an old version of the sheet that you'll need to tell to close the sheet.