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Assigning project and notification

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2015 Posts

if we assign a job to a person, how that person (we share the sheet to this person) can get notified via email without sending him update request? bcause this person using smartsheet.


  • PPS Solutions
    PPS Solutions ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi have you tried setting up a daily report for the user which would notify them of new tasks or changes to existing tasks via the modified date column?   You could also try zapier or we have our own API apps which work for this purpose.  Peter



  • Travis
    Travis Employee
    edited 05/04/15

    IT MFF - There isn’t a built in function to email the user when they are assigned a task but there are a couple of other options. Notifications are automatic emails sent when changes are made to your sheet. You can set up a notification to email users shared to the sheet when your Contact List column changes (wouldn’t be specific to each user). You could also use reminders which would email users assigned to a task based on a date column in your sheet (such as a start or end date column). 


    Here’s a thread which talks about emailing the user assigned to a task when it is marked as complete. You could use similar workaround to email a user when they are assigned to a task (replace the ‘marked as complete’ functions with ‘assigned to X’ functions):




    Peter brings up a couple good solutions! Reports are a good way to see all your tasks (or just new ones). Zapier uses our API to perform automated actions. You cold set up a ‘Zap’ which sends the contents of the row to an entered email address when a row is added to your sheet or if a row is updated. 

  • Kerry Mitchell

    I achieved this functionality by use of the following workaround. In the Task Sheet I created a tick box column for each user. ( These columns are hidden, but that's just to keep the sheet view tidy.)


    I then created a web form to add tasks to the sheet, and there is a section on the web form which says "Send an email notification to the following" and here I added a checkbox for each of the users.


    Then on the Smartsheet alerts, I created an immediate notification to be sent out every time the checkbox for a user is ticked.


    It was a little bit long winded to set up, but now it's in place the sheet owner that wanted email notifications sent to users assigned tasks is happy. You could also just add a checkbox to the sheet which would do the same thing.


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