Count of cross-sheet formulas in a sheet

Josh Garcia
edited 12/09/19 in Smartsheet Basics

Given the limit of 100 cross-sheet references per sheet, is there any way of seeing the total number of cross-sheet references already in place for a given sheet?


My use case - I've got a handful of sheets reaching the maximum amount on each, all to support rollup metrics for executive reporting. My formulas are lengthy and involve multiple references. I've repeatedly encountered the maximum in the course of writing these formulas.

Seeing a total before modifying formulas would help me know whether I should write my formula on another sheet (and leverage cell links) in order to avoid this limit.




  • Hi Josh,

    There currently isn't functionality that displays the count of the number of cross-sheet references per sheet. When you have a moment, please submit a product enhancement request using the form under Quick links on the right of the community site to let our Product team know that you'd like to see this feature added.