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Issues connecting to Smartsheets

edited 12/09/19 in API & Developers


Other areas of the business are exploring the use of smartsheet and they would like to connect our existing analytics tool (spotfire) to use smartsheet as a data source.

I've followed:


and successfully installed the ODBC smartsheet driver, created a DSN, successfully connected but only when I am not on the corporate network (ie at home or through my iPhone as a hotspot)..

When I try to connect from the office I get the error:

An unexpected error occurred trying to contact the smartsheet service. Please verify that you are connected to the Internet and all network proxy settings are correct. (Exception code: 'The operation timed out (WIN32: 0x00002EE2)')


I've put in the proxy server config (the same as my browser) and I worked with the network guys but they say I need to find out what server, port number and protocol the smartsheet ODBC connection is using so they can allow the proxy server to pass this through. I installed fiddler to capture the http traffic but I could not see anything.

smartsheet error.PNG


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