Jumbled Rows

Darren Smith
edited 12/09/19 in Smartsheet Basics

I have a Sales leads sheet shared by 4 of us. Almost every time I move or amend a row and then SAVE, the rest of the leads jumble around and I have to move every thing back. 


Not sure what's the problem here! Can anyone help? 


  • Shaine Greenwood

    Hi Darren,

    It's possible that someone else is working from an older version of the sheet. I'd recommend having everyone temporarily close the sheet, then you make a change and save, then have them open the sheet again.

    As a good rule of thumb, it's important for everyone to refresh the sheet before they make changes and save, just so they get the most updated version of the sheet to work from. (Refresh by right-clicking the sheet name at the top and selecting Refresh.)

    If the sheet is still experiencing the issue after trying the above, please reach out to our Support team to troubleshoot further.