Percentage completion with limiting value (dropped down list)

edited 12/09/19 in Smartsheet Basics

I am a new user of SmartSheet.  I added a column in SmartSheet called Percentage Completion.  And, I would like to limit the input to:

- 0.00 (0%)

- 0.25 (25%)

- 0.50 (50%)

- 0.75 (75%)

-1.00 (100%)

Then, I chose dropped down list for this column.  However, this column was excluded in the pull down list of option (% complete column) as illustrated in the thread below:

I changed the column to text/number and then I can select this to % complete column.


How can I achieve this while limiting the input?


Thanks and Regards



  • Hi Frank,

    There currently isn't a way to limit input to specific % values in a % complete column that you're using for dependencies. 

    The % complete column that you use with the dependencies functionality can only be a text/number column at this time.

    When you have a moment, submit a Product Enhancement Request using the form under Quick links on the right of the community site and let our Product team know that you'd like to better regulate the input on this column.

  • Hi Shaine,


    Sorry for my reply and thanks for your advice.

