OneNote and Smartsheet

edited 12/09/19 in Smartsheet Basics

Hi Community! 

We currently utilize a table in OneNote to record action items during our meetings. For one particular project, we have 5-8 different meetings a week, so we'd like to be able to record all of the action items from all of the meetings in Smartsheet, so we can run a report from Smartsheet for each individuals complete task list. Copying and pasting from OneNote into Smartsheet is a little clunky. Does anyone know if there is a way to easily get table info into Smartsheet from OneNote?




  • Mike L.
    Mike L. ✭✭✭

    Is it any less clunky for you if you copy the onenote table, paste into excel, then import into smartsheet? 

  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    OneNote is a rich text format - it does not have a direct export to Excel, does it? 

    Copy / paste may be the easiest solution.


  • Mike L.
    Mike L. ✭✭✭

    You can convert a onenote table to excel. Select the table and click convert to excel. The excel sheet replaces the table as an inline object.  

    As to taking notes in an inline excel document, you'd have to test it. I don't think it works well because the sharing feature doesn't work well embedded and the data is displayed as an image (it updates when you make changes) that you can't edit like a onenote table. 

    I think (but do not have access to test) that things would be more streamlined in a MS Teams environment. Within Teams you would have individual tabs for smartsheet, excel and onenote objects with inline team communications. 

    Onenote menu.jpg

  • I am also looking for a workflow that allows us to use OneNote for agenda and Meeting minutes and Smartsheet for the action items.