Smartsheet Basics

Smartsheet Basics

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Rich Text widget not allowing free form

edited 12/09/19 in Smartsheet Basics


I'm using a dashboard, including the Rich Text Widget to free form text.  all worked fine yesterday; Today, each widget has separate 'text boxes' within the typing space, that make it very difficult to manage/update in a timely fashion.. 


  • Hi—

    I'm not able to reproduce what you're seeing with my own rich text widgets.

    Did you copy and paste information from another site into your rich text widgets?

    I know that rich text widgets will pertain some formatting if you copied information over from a website, word doc, google doc, or other source that has rich text.

    This formatting could be causing the "text box" effect that you're seeing.

    Try this:

    1. Copy the information into a plain text file on Notepad or TextEdit (Mac).
    2. Delete the rich text widget
    3. Create a new rich text widget and paste the plain text information into it

    If that doesn't work, reach out to our Support team to troubleshoot further.

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