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Send row and update request to the resource assigned to the task




Is it possible to send the row or the update request to the resource assigned to the task instead of enter the resource manually?


All my tasks have a resource assigned and every resource has the email defined in the contact list. However, every time that I need to send the row or the update request, I have to enter the resource email manually.


How can I make the assigned resource be set in the send functionality automatically?



Thiago Baptista


  • Patrick Lawler
    edited 10/26/15

    Hi Thiago,


    This exact problem can be solved using Azuqua, an integration partner of Smartsheet. I work for Azuqua and the conditional notification scenario you referred to is one of the many scenarios we enable inside of Smartsheet. 


    Using Azuqua you can set up a monitor for a change either to a row, column, discussion or new row added to a sheet and then send a notification to a person assigned to that row. The notification can also be based on matching a specific condition of a cell inside that row as well. 


    If you want to learn more please visit our app listing at Smartsheet here:



    Please feel free to follow up with any questions. 



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