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A Formatting Glitch, using the API.

edited 12/09/19 in API & Developers

Hello.   I have developed a Script (Powershell), that will create a complete smartsheet. This smart sheet is created with colours based on various times on the source data,  (Late, ontime, etc. ).  


My problem is when I update it again, the first column will keep the shading of the previous entries.  even though I specify a format.   I have to go in and manually clear out the background colour. 

the updated code is. something like this.

{"columnId": "<REDACTED>","value": "P55619","displayValue": "P55619","format":",,0,0,0,,,,,0,,,,,,"}. 


Previously the grey background was across all columns, and it cleared on all the columns except the first. 



  • Employee

    Hi Steven M,

    I think this is going to need some troubleshooting on our end. Please reach out to api@smartsheet.com and our team will be happy to assist. 



    Smartsheet Support

  • Thanks ian.  I have actually been parallel requesting support from lauren, and she said she has forwarded the request to API@etc etc. already. 


    I have actually expanded this automation, and its creating multiple sheets for different customers.   Same issue for all sheets,. 



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