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api 2.0 update of a cell and "Invalid row location."

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2015 Posts

I am attempting to do a cell update (in python) and it keeps telling me "Invalid row location" and I am not sure how to track this down (or even why the row location is invalid).


The call is:


sheetURL:  https://api.smartsheet.com/2.0/sheets/<sheet_id>/rows


data: [{'cells': [{'columnId': '<column_id>', 'value': 'updated'}], 'id': '<row_id>'}]


The python is:


results = requests.post(sheetURL,



        headers={'Authorization': token})


I have done data retrieves so it appears the token is correct.  I am an admin on the page so I should have sufficient access to update the cell. 


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