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Add %completion from Blank sheet

Surasak Jinapun
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2015 Posts


I am a very new user.  

I add a new project based on BLANK sheet.

How can I add a new colum for "% of completion" ?

Thank you.



  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭



    On any column header, there is a small triangle. When you click that, you get the context menu that allows you to add columns (either left or right of the current one)



    Hope this helps.




  • In case I did open some template, and hide  %Complation colum,  

    By clicking small triangle, as you guided,  it will show  "UnHide all colum" , which is very good.


    Buy my case is, I did create New Prroject from Blank.

    Once I click small triangle >>  add new colum to my right.

    It show nothing about  adding %Completion. 

  • Travis
    Travis Employee

    Surasak, any Text/Number column can be turned into a % Complete column. You can either double click on the column header of an existing column and change the name to % Complete or add a new column and name it  % Complete. 


    To format a column as a percentage, single left click on the column header (which will highlight the entire column) and select the Percent Format button on your toolbar. 


    You can then associate the % Complete column with your dependencies, under Project Settings. 

  • Surasak Jinapun
    edited 12/11/15

    Really appreciate for this community participants,

This discussion has been closed.