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Are there ways to see other people's edits to a shared sheet in real time, rather than having to cli

Naomi Bosch
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2015 Posts

Working on the same sheet together is more difficult when we have to click the refresh pop-up rather than seeing edits as they are made.



  • Travis
    Travis Employee

    Hi Naomi, at this time there is not real time changes in Smartsheet. The quickest way to see new changes that were made would be to use the keyboard shortcut: CTRL + S on a PC and CMD + S on a Mac which will save your sheet and show any changes that were made by other users. 


    I will add your vote for real time collaboration to our enhancement request list. 

  • Travis
    Travis Employee

    Hi Naomi, at this time there is not real time changes in Smartsheet. The quickest way to see new changes that were made would be to use the keyboard shortcut: CTRL + S on a PC and CMD + S on a Mac which will save your sheet and show any changes that were made by other users. 


    I will add your vote for real time collaboration to our enhancement request list. 

  • Coming from Google Sheets, I am really seeing this feature as a huge miss. I can't utilize this the same way I do Sheets. Although there are a lot of features regarding visualization and kanban sheets, not being able to real-time view edits while having a meeting or being remote is lacking, greatly. Is there a roadmap for this?

  • Hello.  Really love the Kanban sheet visualization but would like to add my vote to the "real time" collaboration discussion.   This would be a huge advantage.

  • Hi Ozgur & Bill—


    I've got your votes down for a way to collaborate in "real time" within Smartsheet.


    Thanks for your input!

  • I would also love to see this "Real Time" aspect. We just ran into the problem where two people not knowingly were in the same row, and one saved their work, which deleted everything the other person had. This is frustrating, because now we have to go back and redo it all for one of our users.

This discussion has been closed.