Change to formula

Cathy Fraser
Cathy Fraser ✭✭✭✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Smartsheet Basics


I currently have a formula that looks at a date range and outs in auto test in a different cell.

=IF(NETDAYS(TODAY(), [Expiry Date]2) < 0, "Due Now", IF(NETDAYS(TODAY(), [Expiry Date]2) < 30, "Due in Next Month", IF(NETDAYS(TODAY(), [Expiry Date]2) < 90, "Due in Next 3 Months", IF(NETDAYS(TODAY(), [Expiry Date]2) < 180, "Due in Next 6 Months", IF(NETDAYS(TODAY(), [Expiry Date]2) < 365, "Due in Next 12 Months", "Not Due or Other")))))

I would like to add to the above formula the following

if the date is 01/01/1900 "Periodic"


Can this be done? 


