Smartsheet Merge Add-on how to change the folder name

Joachim Mund
Joachim Mund ✭✭✭✭✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Smartsheet Basics


Smartsheet Merge Add-on is a great tool for generating Google Docs based on smartsheet data.

The generated files are save in a folder and I would like to change the folder name.

I could not find any configuration possibility, does anybody know how make this?

Thank you and best wishes


  • Hi Joachim—

    There currently isn't a way to change the name format for the folder automatically through the Smartsheet Merge tool.

    You'll need to change the name of the folder after it has been created.

    Please submit an enhancement request using the form under Quick links on the right to let our Product team know that you'd like to see this feature added.