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original Surface RT performance

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

Hi All,


we are attempting to recycle an original Surface RT device by providing it to a user who is only basically using it to access smartsheet while in meetings.


unfortunately, the performance is horrible.  clicks into a cell take a long time to register, typing a character takes a full second to appear.


does anyone have tips for improving performance?  is there a windows app so that it doesn't need to run in a browser?


thanks in advance


  • Preston
    Preston ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hello ZeeDee,


    I have a new Surface 3. It's not a Pro, and my user experience (via Chrome) is somewhat lacking as well. I would not classify my experience as horrible, but it is noticeably slower. I would imagine this speaks more about the performance of the device as opposed to Smartsheet itself. 


    Kind Regards,


  • Travis
    Travis Employee

    Performance of a device could definitely impact the performance of the app. 


    What browser are they using? Internet Explorer is consistently the slowest browser you can use from our tests.  I would recommend using Chrome which is the fastest and might improve their experience. 

  • Hey Travis,


    because its a surface RT, it will only run IE. 


    I've since asked around and other Surface RT users are running it just fine, so I'm thinking there is something wrong with that particular device.

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