Issues automating dashboard that feeds from a sheet with calculations

edited 12/09/19 in Smartsheet Basics

I am wondering if there is a solution or way around this issue in Smartsheet. I noticed that the reports function in Smartsheet does not allow you to do calculations such as countifs, sumifs, averageifs, etc. It only allows you to make graphs/metrics to report on if the information you are pulling from is number related.

With that being said, if you had a sheet and wanted to track performance on the number of times an employee was late to work, or requested off (as an example) this is not possible to graph in the report function because the sheet is text based and not number based. EX: you have a list of employees and if they requested off there is a column that would say yes or no.

To try and work around this I have a sheet filled with calculations that calculate performance daily, and weekly. However, the dashboard it feeds into does not accurately update the information on a daily basis. You have to manually go into the sheet with calculations in order for it to update the information and for it to recognize what day it is. This is really impractical and defeats the purpose of real time data automation if someone has to go into a sheet every single day to update calculations for a dashboard.


