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using start and end time columns to calculate hours worked for a timesheet page



  • ✭✭


    I'm using this formula successfully to calculate "time worked" from a start and end time column, however, it throws an error when the end time is on the next day, e.g. starting at 10:00 pm and ending at 12:00 am. Is there a known adjustment for this? Thanks,

  • Hello Travis,

    Good day to you.

    I have used above formula for our attendance sheet and it works well!!

    I just had one concern, when converting the hours into no. we get #INVALID Value for some of the rows higher than 10. Please see the attached image.

    Would you please assist us to overcome this issue.

    Many thanks.


  • Hi Travis, 

    I'm using your AMAZING formula for an auto date/time column.

    Can you help with a formula to convert auto created (date) column into military time to calculate the duration between the start time and end time? 

    This is the formula I was trying to use but couldn't make it work. 

    =IF(FIND("PM", [Time Column]@row) > 0, (VALUE(LEFT([Time Column]@row, FIND(":", [Time Column]@row) - 1)) + 12) + "" + RIGHT([Time Column]@row, 2), LEFT([Time Column]@row, FIND(":", [Time Column]@row) - 1)) + "" + RIGHT([Time Column]@row, 2))


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