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Formula help please (Simple if statement!)

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

Good afternoon, I am having trouble with an IF statement returning a date. It works fine if I ask it to display a text column instead of the date column so I know my formula is correct.

Basically I have added a column with a display on calendar or not, so a simple Yes or No drop down.  If it is "Yes" display the Event Date, if "No" display blank.

=IF([Appear on Calendar ?]1 = "Yes", [Event Date]1, " ")


Can anyone help please?  For some reason it doesnt like displaying the date!


Thankyou so much



  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 03/06/16



    Check if the column type is Date/Time or Date.

    If Date/Time, that means the column is part of the sheet Dependencies.

    The Date/Time columns linked to the Gantt chart and calendar can't have formulas because the system will override them based on other user input.


    Otherwise, you formula looks OK.


    Does your formula show up like this


    '=IF([Appear on Calendar ?]1 = "Yes", [Event Date]1,"")


    with the single quote ' symbol? That is the second clue that the formula won't be accepted.




  • DawnM
    edited 03/07/16

    Thank you Craig, I knew it was something simple - it's obvious now :)


  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    It very often is, once you know the answer. Laughing


    Glad I can help.



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