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Half Day - Vacation Days?

Crystal Macklin
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

hi, I am using the smartsheet vaction tracker as well. Has anyone figured out how to track half days? 

thanks in advance.


  • I built an Attendance sheet to show Gantt and Calendar views. I built a Web Form that our staff uses to request their PTO or travel. If they are going to be gone less than a full day I have them enter the time in the duration field such as 4h for four hours. This seems to work fine.

  • JohnHinkle
    JohnHinkle ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    If you are using resource management, set allocation to 50% (half day)

  • Late response but when searching for a solution this was near the top of the google results.

    I simply added an additional checkbox column called 'Half Day' and then adjusted the formula in the 'Holiday Days' column by wrapping an IF statement around the existing formula to make it the following (row numbers removed);

    =IF([Half Day], NETWORKDAYS([Start Date], [End Date]) * 0.5, NETWORKDAYS([Start Date], [End Date]))

    The only minor issue with this is that if someone takes a half day within a bigger block of holiday (i.e. 2.5 days etc.) then they will have to split onto separate rows.



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