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New bug (I think) with sheet sharing

Chris Winfield
Chris Winfield ✭✭✭✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts



I'm working with a number of sheets within workspaces, and I used to be able to send links to individual sheets within a workspace. Now however, when going into a sheet within a workspace, the sharing link for every sheet is the same and they all go straight to a workspace view rather than the individual sheet.


Note that this is a linking/URL issue not a sharing issue.


Checking back through the forum it looks like the sharing functionality is supposed to allow linking to individual sheets (even if the wording on the form is misleading). Am I going mad or has this been changed?


If it is a deliberate change then it's a really unhelpful one - it means I can no longer direct users to individual sheets within work-spaces, and the whole workspace functionality becomes a lot less user friendly for the rest of my organisation.


If it's a bug, could it be raised and addressed quickly please?






  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭



    The update on Friday might have been related to this.

    Or maybe you are mad. :)


    To be clear, we are talking about the Publish functionality not the Sharing functionality, correct? Workspaces have always been only all-or-nothing for sharing. That might change according to the roadmap.



    To be open, something looks different on the Sharing screen, but I haven't dug into the doc to see if I also am mad.







  • Chris Winfield
    Chris Winfield ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi Craig,


    It's not about the publish function, nor the sharing/access rights per se. 


    When you click on sharing for a sheet in a workspace you get a URL link at the bottom of the pop-up window. Historically this link was different for every sheet (even within a workspace) and would take a person straight to the sheet in question (assuming the workspace was shared with them). 


    We used these links all of the time to direct non-expert users to their individual sheets, which are stored in a workspace.


    However, now this link is the same for all sheets in a workspace, and it just goes to the big list of sheets within a workspace.

  • Chuck Muirhead
    Chuck Muirhead ✭✭✭✭✭

    Good morning Chris, 


    I just tested and confirmed your issue.  I checked all sheets in a workspace and they all have the same link under sharing.  When you click on the link it only takes you to the workspace. 


    Thank you for brining this up, as I frequently send staff links in emails to sheets I want them to review or whatever.  If this was by design, can someone provide an explanation?



  • Chris Winfield
    Chris Winfield ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi there,


    For any people following this topic I have had a relatively speedy response from our Customer Success Manager at Smartsheet who explained that the change is due to updates that are underway around workspace sharing.


    Individual sheet links are still available, and can be found from the sheet properties page.


    Hope this is helpful.



  • Travis
    Travis Employee

    Hi Chris - thanks for reporting this! I tested and confirmed you are correct. I am going to speak with my team and will post here when I know more. 

  • Then can Smartsheet have two Share... options in the right click menu (Share Sheet and Share Workspace)?


  • This was a question I asked in our training today and was informed there is an update coming out tomorrow to allow sharing an individual sheet without affecting the entire workspace visibility.

  • Travis
    Travis Employee

    Hi everyone! The secure sheet link issue for sheets located in a workspace as been fixed - please test and let me know if you are still having issues.


    Jeff - part of our update included the ability to share individual sheets in a workspace. Check out our blog for more information: https://www.smartsheet.com/blog/new-workspace-sharing-options

This discussion has been closed.