Resource and pooling resource.

Andrew Mulqueen
edited 12/09/19 in Smartsheet Basics


Does everyone allocate tasks to individuals, or does anyone use a resource pool?

for example, if you build a project and need a Quality Engineer allocating to the project, can you allocate to a Quality Engineer pool to show you need a Quality resource, and then allocate the correct named resource later, when you have a named Quality Engineer? 



  • Jennifer Greenough
    Jennifer Greenough Overachievers Alumni

    Hi Andrew,

    We have done quite a bit with workforce planning using Smartsheet across our division. We've generally found that the best option for us has been for the team/PM to allocate a known resource to the task/activity/project (after speaking with that person), and to raise the question to the functional lead. If the person is over allocated, this is then raised as an issue for the functional lead to address, either by assigning someone else or by requesting additional resources.

    Another thing we have done when we are in hiring mode is to add placeholder positions into our account so that we can assign work to them. This helps us to determine if we have enough work to move forward with hiring or if that work can be allocated across existing resources. 

    To make any of this work requires that people talk to one another, which in the end is more challenging than any tool. frown
