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Hyperlink to a specific row in another sheet?



  • klontok
    klontok ✭✭

    See, this kind of thing drives me crazy. This functionality is clearly available, it's just not user-friendly at the moment. Please add my vote for an easy way to hyperlink to a specific row in another sheet. Ain't nobody got time to email themselves each individual row!

  • Can you explain a littler further how to do this exactly?


  • Cjaythomas!
    Cjaythomas! ✭✭
    edited 10/24/18

    Right click on the cell that you want to be the host.  Example:

    Go To Cell B5 on page # 3

    Right click like you normally would to create a hyper link.

    On the right side of the pop up box choose "Book Marks"

    Type the Cell Reference " I want the link to go directly to cell B5 on page #3" so enter B5.  Below that should be a listing of all your excel pages.  Click on the page that has the cell B5 that you want to connect to.  


  • Loann McGee
    Loann McGee ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Cjaythomas - this looks like info for Excel not Smartsheet. I believe the original question was asking for this function within Smartsheet.



  • I was also looking at this and you can link to a specific row by using the 'row link'. You can find this by looking at the properties of the target row you want to link to.

  • Kenyon Bajus
    Kenyon Bajus ✭✭✭✭✭

    That works:

    1. Right click to left of row you want to link to
    2. select Properties
    3. copy row link
    4. open new tab with the sheet/row you want to link from
    5. right click in row
    6. create hyperlink


    ...but quite a few steps though.

    I imagine it should work more like the "link from cell in other sheet' and it can cut out a few steps and keep you working in the same sheet instead of opening another tab:

    1. Right click in cell
    2. select Link From Cell
    3. select sheet
    4. then select row


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