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Gantt Chart Conditional Formatting

Heather Dunn
Heather Dunn ✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

Are you able to set up in conditional formatting for the Gant Chart bar to be set to a certain colour based on the fields in the row? 


Otherwise can you set so the gantt chart bar is set to a new colour for each sheet within a workspace? 


  • Atus Bartal
    Atus Bartal ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 04/12/16

    Dear Heather,


    For the 1st question: yes, you can set the color of the bar, see Smartsheet Help \ Conditional Formatting \ 5.



    1. From the Conditional Formatting form, click this format to choose the formatting to apply if the condition is met. The formatting options will pop up within the window.
      • Font and Font Size: set the font type (Arial, Tahoma, Times, Verdana or Auto) and size
      • BIUS: apply bolditalicsunderscore, and/or strike-through to the font
      • Background color : apply a background color to cells
      • Font color : apply a color to the font
      • Gantt/Calendar: apply a color to the Gantt and Calendar bars of rows that meet the condition (doesn't affect the cell/row background color).
        NOTE: The background color will only be applied to the Gantt/Calendar if you've applied the rule to the entire row, as described in the next step.
  • Heather Dunn
    Heather Dunn ✭✭
    edited 04/12/16

    Fantastic Thank you! 

    OACSPM ✭✭

    This rule doesn't work for any parent tasks, but works fine for individual child tasks. How to make it work?

    For example - If "Data Conversion" parent task has two child sub-tasks "Data Extract" and "Data Mapping" and all 3 rows has value "Green" in "Comment" column. When I wrote conditional formatting as "set Grantt/Calendar color to green, when column Comments = "Green", it works beautifully for "Data Extract" and "Data Mapping" tasks but doesn't work for "Data Conversion" task.

  • Hi! If I chose apply the formatting to entire row- then only I see the option to chose a color for the task bar in this format. But I don't want to paint the entire row in my gantt chart. I want that when status column is completed- the status cell and the task bar related to that row is blue not the entire row. Can I achieve that?

  • Deia
    Deia ✭✭

    Yeah it's not really clear from the original post, but if you set the background color to "no background" and the task bar color to your desired color, then apply the formatting to the entire row, you'll get the effect you're looking for.

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