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Reminder email subject line

Mike Tillett
Mike Tillett ✭✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

Hi, is there a way in Smartsheets to setup a reminder with a more meaningful subject line.  We track all our sales on a Smartsheet that will send an email Reminder to our Sales team one month after a sale is made to ask the customer, specific questions.  These are in the reminder email.  That's great, but the subject line just says Reminder: [Name of Sheet].  It would be great if that could be customised for that particular reminder e.g Reminder: [One month post Sale follow-up].  I have setup a lot of different reminders from the same sheet, so customising the email subject aswell as the content would be very useful.





  • This has been a cumbersome process with our use with SmartSheet.  It's not just the Reminders, it's the updates and send rows.  We would love to be able modify the subject line to our own perminant value.



  • Hi Kelly, thanks for your comment.  Does anybody out there know whether it's possible now or whether it's on the Smartsheets upgrade path? 

  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    I thought I had also written a Product Enhancement for this, but can't find in my records.

    So ...

    I have 10 Reminders for sheet. They are all named "Reminder" and while the developer can (fairly) easily distinguish between them when editing/modifying them, the subject of the emails is Reminder: [sheet name]

    In many cases, the mere presence of the email (with decent subject) is enough, the email does not have to be opened to accomplish its goal (that is reminding)

    Submitted a PER



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