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Save as new//100 sheet limit - work around?

edited 12/09/19 in API & Developers

Hi - 

Does anyone have a workaround for this? I have a client where i have stripped the workspace back to around 150 sheets - they need to be able to replicate this workspace.

I'm getting the same error message when trying to copy the workspace via the API - The end result means that due to this limitation, someone has to go and relink a bunch of sheets/reports/dashboard widgets - which is not smart, Smartsheet! 





  • Community Champion

    I recently ran into this as well. The only "workaround" was to group sheets/reports/dashboards together into folders based on what was linked to what.


    I was then able to use the "Save as new" on the folders and had much less re-linking to do.


    Depending on how everything is linked together, you may even be able to work it just right to where you won't have to re-link anything (maybe).

  • ✭✭✭

    Hey - thanks for the response Paul..unfortunately, all but about 5-6 are actually linked in some way! and believe me, I have tried all sorts of ways of managing things to rejig it..to no avail - alas my frustration!!

  • Community Champion

    Ugh! I know the frustration.


    Is it possible to break things down into sections by common links? Some way of breaking it down to where even though you have a bunch of sheets to link back together, it's the same link for group A and a common link for group B, etc?


    While you would still be doing a fair amount of re-linking, if they are the same link it may go a bit faster.


    I ran into the very same thing, and that's what I ended up having to do. I was fortunate in that I could break it down into two groups.


    Group A had less sheets, but Group B had more links via cross sheet references.


    If you have a cross sheet reference that is duplicated multiple times within a sheet, updating just one of those ranges will automatically update ALL of them on the sheet. For example...


    {Sheet A Range 1} can be found 100 times on my sheet in various places in numerous different formulas. Same with {Sheet A Range 2} and {Sheet A Range 3}.


    While that is a total of 300 links just on one sheet, all I need to do is update each range one time, and the other 99 for each will automatically update.


    Because of this, I was able to group things so that even though Group B had A TON of cross sheet references (23 different ranges, each used more than 100 times in a sheet with 60+ similarly built sheets). That way I only had one instance of each range on each sheet to update instead of hundreds on each sheet.

  • ✭✭✭✭✭

    Running into this issue as well while creating a PMO workspace. I submitted an enhancement request on this as well. Does anyone have a workaround now?

  • Any Smartsheet reps have an ETA on this one? It’s been sitting as a feature request for over four years.

    100 object is a pretty small number for workspaces, these days.

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