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Card View – how do I hide a parent row without it being uncategorised

Kellie Parkin
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

Love the Card View but I don't wish to see the parent row but don't want it to appear in uncategorised. 





  • Anna Coombes
    edited 06/23/16

    Yes I agree. I love icard view But the uncategorized column is a bit distracting - especially as it is the first column as you read left to right.


    I understand why this is useful in some instances ( i.e identifying cards / rows that need allocating to a lane) , but It would be good if there was an option to "hide" the uncategorized column if it only includes parent rows / titles etc ( useful  visually in grid view) .





  • If I read this right, you should be able to go to grid view, filter the field down - removing the parent - save and then go back to the card view?   does that work for you?

  • Kennedy Stomps
    Kennedy Stomps Employee
    edited 06/23/16

    Hi Tony-- You are correct, you could add a checkbox column to your sheet, then check all of the parent rows in your sheet (or all of the rows you want to hide in the Card View). Then, you'd set up a filter to filter out the checked rows. Once you've set up this filter, you can toggle it on and off in the Card View as desired.


    Kellie and Anna, I've also logged your votes to have the option to exclude parent rows from the Card View to our enhancement request list. Thanks for the input!

  • Atus Bartal
    Atus Bartal ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi Kennedy,

    I would go a bit further - it would be great to have the option to hide/unhide ANY of the columns/lanes in Card View (e.g. like in Grid View) . This feature really is a big shot from Smartsheet, folks love it, it deserves some improvements like this (along with an 'archive' for deleted items as I had commented it before).


    Thanks for the great job!




  • Hi Atus-- Thanks for the input! I've added your vote for these features. We have plans to roll out a number of improvements to Card View over the next few releases--this feedback help us prioritize and design those updates.

  • Hi


    Another way to filter is to filter on the status (or whatever the field), exclude blanks and parent rows.


    Then you don't need to maintain another column.

  • I think I missed something here. How do I filter things in or out of card view. I added a checkbox column and checked the parent rows but they still show up in the uncategorized lane. The only filter I see is the Fields selection in the top right of card view and that simply controls what information is in the card itself. Please elaborate on how I can keep parent rows from showing up in card view.



  • Have you applied your filter in the grid view?   if so - you will then need to apply the filter when on the card view 


    Does that help?


  • I can't figure how to apply the filter so that's my problem. I don't see the little filter on/filter off icons you have shown above Tony. How do I get that feature turned on? 

  • Tony Coleman
    edited 09/14/16

    ah, think I'm with you now.  To apply the filter first you need to be in your grid or gantt view - then at the column header you get a Column Menu option ( see screen 1), click on apply filter (screen 2).  Once applied - save your sheet - then go to the card view and you will see the filter option to apply the same filter to your cards.   Hopefully the sequence works well





  • btw I tend to take out the parent

  • That worked, thanks for the explanation. Don't like the work around though, I want to see my parent rows when in chart or gantt view but just want them gone when in card view. This hides them when in gantt or chart view too. 

  • Maybe viewing your project information via a report would be easier - you can have the filter on your grid/gantt to display the card view as you want it to, while the report displays your required project information which can be edited (in most cases) directly in the report.


    I personally have not played around with reports much, but I know they introduce a lot of flexibility and the more experienced users take advantage of them more often.


    Having the option to filter just the card view, would be more intuitive - even having the option to 'setup' filters while in card view would help.

  • Ryan Woodruff
    edited 09/15/16

    I haven't played with reports much either. I just ran one and they're pretty simple and easy to setup so I can see a benefit but the card view is more interactive and there's no card view on a report. I love how card view lets you drag and drop a task to another person easily. I do wish you could share cards across multiple lanes though. 

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