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Trying to change RYG based on status of a group of rows and Subtasks

Frank Scalzo
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

so i have rows that turn red green or yellow based on progress i would like a master progress since the rows are normmaly collaped that shows over all status of a section


i have code but its not working


=IF(COUNTIF(Status18:Status25) = 0, "Red", IF(COUNTIF(Status18:Status25) = 100, "Green" , IF(COUNTIF(Status18:Status25) < 100, "Yellow")))


This is a task subtask request


if no Sub-tasks are even started or a Sub-task is marked on hold  keep Main task red,  if some Sub -Yasks are marked Completed, or In Progress make Main task Yellow, if all Sub-tasks are completed make main task Green




Screen Shot 2016-06-24 at 9.44.22 AM.png


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