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Card View - Hide "uncategorized" column

Ben @ HPAC
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

Are we able to hide this column?



  • Hi  Ben-- We don't yet have the ability to hide any lanes in the Card View (including the uncategorized lane), but I've added your vote for this to our enhancement request list. We appreciate your input! In the meantime, if you have rows that are appearing in the Uncategorized lane, this indicates that they contain values that do not match the lane values (or are blank) and you might consider using a filter to filter them out of the sheet, which will collapse the Uncategorized lane.

  • Tonya Carmien
    edited 07/13/16


    Please add my vote as well.

    btw - summary rows in a project plan show up here as well, so you can't just filter them out.  Even if they were listed on the far right rather than the first thing would help.

  • Hi Tonya-- I've added your vote for this as well! To get around the summary row issue in the meantime, you could add a checkbox column to your sheet and check the rows you want to exclude from the Card View, like summary rows. You could then filter on this column to remove these cards from the view. The column could be hidden after the filter is applied.

  • Kennedy,


    Could you share how you would do this "You could then filter on this column to remove these cards from the view. The column could be hidden after the filter is applied."?



  • Hi Ben-- To confirm, you could add a new checkbox column to your sheet, then check the boxes for rows you want to exclude from the Card View. Then, add a filter to this column and select "Not Checked" as the only values to display. When you go into the Card View, only rows where the checkbox is empty will show up as cards. You can hide this column in the Grid view if you want. Hope this helps!

  • Can we bump this feature up, and add my vote to this?

This discussion has been closed.