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date calculation

Tom Barmann
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

I want to calculate the actual number of workdays from a scheduled start date and scheduled finish date but i keep getting the wrong answer. a project started May 9, 2016 and is scheduled to complete on June 16, 2016. My date calculation says that's 27 work days which is incorrect. the formula i used is

=NETWORKDAY([Scheduled Start]13:[Scheduled Finish]13)


any ideas?


  • Hi!


    One of the reasons why you don't have the good answer might be that you don't have the dependencies enabled... This might sound weird but enabling the dependencies gives you the option of adding non-working days.


    Hope that helps!

    Étienne Desbiens

  • thanks. i tried that and still calculates wrong

  • Can you give me your result and what you expect to see? And can I see the data you use to get to that result?

  • Greg Gates
    Greg Gates ✭✭✭✭✭

    Do you know if your working days are set correctly? You (or whoever your smartsheet administrator is, if it isn't you) should be able to check what the working days are in the Admin Account Settings

  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    For both NETWORKDAY() and NETWORKDAYS():


    If Dependencies are turned off, I also get 27 days.


    If turned on and no holidays, I get 29 days (which given no holidays, should be correct)

    I can add two holidays to get it back to 27 days.


    Since neither May 9 or June 16 are weekends, the same results from the two formulas is expected.


    Oddly, June 3rd appears to be a problem:

    It appears rose colored in the Gantt chart.


    Dependencies are off. No holidays in the Account Settings



    The numbers are the NETWORKDAY() formulas


    I can't explain it but it looks wrong to me too.





  • i want to calculate the actual number of daya a project took - the project started 


    May 9, 2016 and completed on June 16, 2016. when using the following formula i get the wrong result.


    =NETWORKDAY([Scheduled Start]13:[Scheduled Finish]13)

  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    This appears to be a bug.



  • Hi Tom-- Can you right-click any column and open the Project Settings, then check under the Working Days section to see if any holidays are currently active on the sheet? If not, please share your sheet with me at Kennedy.Stomps@Smartsheet.com (offering Admin permissions) and we can troubleshoot this further.

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