How to link the health column to show an accurate status of at risk tasks.



  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    When you say it still does not work... Are you getting an error or is it not functioning as expected?

  • Becca Grunbaum

    HI Paul, 


    Yes, still coming up as "Unparseable". 

  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    You may want to double check your column names. This most recent formula was a copy/paste directly from a working cell within a sheet.

  • Lauren T

    I'm trying this exact formula and it's working perfectly. However, I'd like to add in an IF statement that if Status = Not Started, the ball would be gray, rather than green. But, my attempts are returning an "Incorrect Argument Set".

    =IF(OR([% Complete]@row = 1, [Start Date]@row > TODAY()), "Green", IF(Status@row = "Not Started", "Gray"), IF([Finish Date]@row = TODAY(), IF([% Complete]@row < 0.5, "Red", IF([% Complete]@row < 0.75, "Yellow", "Green")), IF([Finish Date]@row = TODAY(7), IF([% Complete]@row < 0.25, "Red", IF([% Complete]@row < 0.5, "Yellow", "Green")))))

  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee Admin
    edited 02/17/20

    Hi @Lauren T

    It looks like you just have some parenthesis in the wrong order - try this:

    =IF(OR([% Complete]@row = 1, [Start Date]@row > TODAY()), "Green", IF(Status@row = "Not Started", "Gray", IF(AND([Finish Date]@row = TODAY(), [% Complete]@row < 0.5), "Red", IF([% Complete]@row < 0.75, "Yellow", IF(AND([Finish Date]@row = TODAY(7), [% Complete]@row < 0.25), "Red", IF([% Complete]@row < 0.5, "Yellow", "Green"))))))

    Keep in mind that the order is important since logic formulas read left-to-right. For example, in your formula you have the rule that if the Percent Complete is 100% OR if the Start Date is in the future, the ball will turn green. Then you have a rule that if the Status is "Not Started" the ball will turn Gray. This means that if a row has the date in the future and it says "Not Started", the Green ball will be the one returned since it's the first rule.

    I'll break it out to make sure it says what you want it to:

    =IF(OR([% Complete]@row = 1, [Start Date]@row > TODAY()), "Green",

    If either the % Complete is 100 OR if the Start Date is in the future, return Green


    IF(Status@row = "Not Started", "Gray",

    If the Status is "Not Started", return Gray.

    3 .

    IF(AND([Finish Date]@row = TODAY(), [% Complete]@row < 0.5), "Red",

    If the Finish Date is Today AND the Percent Complete is less than 50%, return Red. (You can change out the AND for OR, if you prefer).

    4 .

    IF([% Complete]@row < 0.75, "Yellow",

    If the Percent Complete is less than 75%, return Yellow

    5 .

    IF(AND([Finish Date]@row = TODAY(7), [% Complete]@row < 0.25), "Red",

    If the Finish Date is exactly 7 days from now, AND the % Complete is less than 25%, return Red. (You may want to change the = to be <=, less than or equal to, to indicate within the next week instead of exactly 7 days from now).

    6 .

    IF([% Complete]@row < 0.5, "Yellow",

    If it doesn't match any of the criteria above, and the Percent Complete is less than 50%, return Yellow.



    Finally, if none of the above criteria are met, return Green.

    Let me know if you have any questions about how this was built, or how to adjust the criteria.



  • Candace Hebert

    Hi there, I would like the same results as the OP.

    What column names do I need?

    Is there anything else I need to make the equation work?

    Thanks so much!


  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee Admin

    Hi @Candace Hebert

    I've answered you in the other post you tagged me in, see here!

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