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Can I reorder card fields?

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

I love the new Card view, and am easily creating new fields and showing/hiding from view.  But I can't see a way of reordering the fields on my card?  I've tried reordering the columns in Grid view, but doesn't seem to reflect on the card.  Am I missing something?


  • Heidi Decker
    Heidi Decker ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi BronwynMS,

    I'm not sure why when you rearranged the columns in the grid it didn't work for you. I just did that very thing this morning and rearranging the columns did in fact make a difference on the card. When you rearranged them in the grid view then moved over to the card view, did you reselect the columns you wanted from the "Fields list"? Maybe that will make the difference. The fields list should be in the same order as your columns in the grid and that is the order they apprear on the card. Hope this helps you.


  • Benjamin Walker
    Benjamin Walker Employee
    edited 07/29/16



    Try opening the Fields dialog and hitting 'OK'!

    Should clear up your issue

  • BronwynMS

    Thanks guys! Opening the Fields dialog and hitting OK worked.  Just needed that refresh.

This discussion has been closed.