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ColumnId's return null

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts



I' m trying to get column id values for a sheet but values return null. I' ve tried following methods.


Token token = new Token();

token.AccessToken = MY_TOKEN;

long sheetId = MY_SHEETID;

long columnId;


SmartsheetClient sc = new SmartsheetBuilder().SetAccessToken(token.AccessToken).Build();


//Method I                

Sheet sh = sc.SheetResources.GetSheet(sheetId, null, null, null, null, null, null, null);

columnId = sh.Columns[0].Id.Value;


//Method II

PaginatedResult<Column> columnsResult = sc.SheetResources.ColumnResources.ListColumns(sheetId, null, null);

columnId = columnsResult.Data[0].Id.Value;



sh.Columns[0] gives the properties below, there' s no id in it.



    base {Smartsheet.Api.Models.IdentifiableModel}: {Smartsheet.Api.Models.Column}

    AutoNumberFormat: null

    Filter: null

    Format: null

    Hidden: null

    Index: null

    Locked: null

    LockedForUser: null

    Options: null

    Primary: true

    SheetId: null

    Symbol: null

    SystemColumnType: null

    Tags: null

    Title: "Task Name"



    Width: 100


  • Hi hakanozp,


    Please add SheetInclusion.COLUMN_TYPE when calling SheetResources.GetSheet:


    Sheet sh = sc.SheetResources.GetSheet(sheetId, EnumSet.of(SheetInclusion.COLUMN_TYPE),null, null, null, null, null, null);

    List<Column> columns = sh.getColumns();


    I am able to get the columns details including column Ids this way.

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