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card view

blair myles
blair myles ✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

when i tick a box to say a task is done it fades away in list view but nothing happens in card view. how do i get tasks to dissappear when they are complete in card view???


  • Hi Blair-- It sounds like you have conditional formatting set up on your sheet that greys out text when tasks are marked as complete. We don't currently have the option for conditional formatting on text and rows to flow through to the Card View but this is something that our Card View team is working on for a future update.

  • ok thanks. how do i then make tasks that i have completed no longer appear in card view? do i simply have to delete them altogether? i was hoping that by ticking the done box they would no longer be visible.


    please advise.





  • Hi Blair,


    In your card view you should have a drop down field/column as your columns in your card view...  Make a New drop down called Complete (or something and drag your cards to that column.


    Put it last in the drop down and it should be all the way on the right.


    Also if you set the BAR colour on the Conditional Formatting for those to Grey, the Colour in the card view should also change to Grey, if that also helps.





  • Kennedy Stomps
    Kennedy Stomps Employee
    edited 08/05/16

    Great suggestion, Christian! Another option is to set up a filter in the Grid view to filter out completed tasks, then toggle this filter on an off in the Card View :) We're also working on a way to expand and collapse lanes in the Card View, so this might be an option you could consider as well.

  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Expand / Collapse was released this weekend (2016-08-06)



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