Archived 2016 Posts

Archived 2016 Posts

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Can a webform (and its data) be saved as a form/attachment?

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts



Currently, my team sends in a project request via webform but first must complete a word doc and upload it to webform.  Some of the information in the word doc is then re-entered into some of my sheet's columns.  I'd love to eliminate this duplicate effort.


If I were to make the webform contain all the word doc information, then the project team wouldn't have access to it as my sheet contains much more than just those fields (can't send row to their project sheet).....any ideas?



  • This sounds like a great question for our Customer Success Team, who are a good resource for workflow development and solution brainstorming. I've forwarded this question to their team to get feedback on it--someone will either reach out to you directly or I'll post here with the information I receive from them :)

This discussion has been closed.

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