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Outlook Integration

Si Spence
Si Spence ✭✭✭✭✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

why do i ONLY get the option to add an email to a specific existing row on some sheets and then on other sheets i get the option to attach the email directly against a specific row?


if you see the attached, if i wanted to attached 50 emails to sheet at the top then I would have to create 50 new rows....help please!?


ss outlook.PNG


  • Kennedy Stomps
    Kennedy Stomps Employee
    edited 08/26/16

    Hi Si-- When you search on "Iceland", the Outlook integration is going to bring up any sheets that contain the word "Iceland" in the sheet name or within a row on the sheet. The integration is behaving as expected in that it's pulling up the "Iceland AYR Peri Peri" sheet, which contains this value in the sheet name, and it's pulling up rows from the "NPD Tracker" that contain "Iceland" within the row. I


    n order to attach files to rows on the Iceland AYR Peri Peri sheet, you'll need to search for row values--the integration won't automatically pull up every row in the sheet as an option to attach a file to, as this would be extremely challenging!

  • Si Spence
    Si Spence ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 08/30/16

    Thank you, very iseful and obvious now i think about it.  we just need to ensure that we know the description used for the row in the Primary Cell.


    Thank you



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