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Change in "Assigned To" column removed it from Card View

Jim Berland
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

I have created an Assigned To column as a Drop Down list, but I really wanted to use the Contact List function to be able to have the links to email.


I created a new Column, renamed the first Assigned 2 and made the new column a Contact List.


Now only the "Assigned 2" column appears in the Card View "View By:" dropdown.  I have tried both settings in the Project Settings > Resource Management - with the "Assignedd Resource column" set to the new column - no change.


Any ideas?



  • Heidi Decker
    Heidi Decker ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi Jim,

    The contact list can't be used in card view. Only drop down lists will show in card view.

    There is an enhancement in the works that will allow us to use the contact list as a card view option. I'm not sure when it will be released but I know soon. What I did to resolve this is similar to what you did only like this

    New column - Drop down list (Assigned To Card View)

    Original Assigned to column stays contact list.

    In the new column put the formula =[Assigned To]1 (Your original contact list column).

    In the new column, edit it to all the resources you use to the list.

    What this does is automatically puts the resource name in the new column and then use that column for your card view.

    The only thing you need to be made aware of, is once the name is in the new column, the formula goes away. If you move that resource in card view, it does not change it in the original Assigned To column, you will need to change that manually. Again, this has works for many of us until the change is implemented.

    Hope the helps,


  • Thanks for the information and the suggestion.  I will implement it.

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