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Card View Templates - formulas are missing?

Jef Forward
Jef Forward ✭✭✭✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

Hi All - I am excited to implement the card view into one of our pipelines.  I am basing this off of the "consulting pipeline sample" shown on the homepage of smartsheet.  However, when I bring this template in, there are no working formulas for creating totals of the lanes.  Am I missing something?  Thanks





  • Hello Jef,


    You're not wrong: I'm looking at the same template in Grid view and it appears there aren't formulas under the Total pipleline section.


    I'm going to reach out to the appropriate team to find out why that might be the case, but in the meantime, you may need to write some SUMIF formulas. (I know, mostly defeats the purpose of using a template.)


    You'll want to switch to Grid view, and expand the "Total Pipeline" parent row at the top to display the child rows.


    In the "Service Revenue Forecast" column you'll want to place a formula that sums values in its own column when they contain the corresponding text string in the "Sales Stage" column. An example is as follows:


    =SUMIF([Sales Stage]:[Sales Stage], "Pending Close", [Service Revenue Forcast]:[Service Revenue Forcast])


    I've tested this to work correctly with the "Pending Close" total.


    Note that this is specifically when viewing lanes by "Sales Stage."

  • Jef Forward
    Jef Forward ✭✭✭✭✭

    Shaine, thank you very much, I will be able to run with this! I very much appreciate it have a great day!

  • Jef Forward
    Jef Forward ✭✭✭✭✭

    Shaine - I have to admit, I want to use the card view, but I am really struggling to get the functionality working.  I have my sumif totals working well, but they dissapear on the card view.   


    In the "consulting pipeline" template - the "totals" of the lane neatly show up at the top of the lane.  How does that happen?   Sorry for the trouble, feel like I am missing a big part of the documentation on this, and cant find it? 



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