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Can't get column data from more than 1 sheet


I am trying to prepare a report filtering information from 2 different sheets, and I need 2 columns from each sheet. When generating the report only data from one sheet is reflected in the report and the columns from other sheet are blank.


What should I do.


  • Zack S
    Zack S Employee

    Hello John, 


    The usual cause for information to only show from one sheet as you've described, is if the columns in the two different sheets are spelled differently, or if they are different column types. 


    You can confirm this in the Report builder. You can go to where you selected the column to be included in the report, and hover over that column name. The hover window will give you a list of how many sheets that column is in. If it only shows one sheet, you can then go to the other sheet and adjust the column name to match exactly (including capitalization) and verify that the column type is the same (Right click on the column header > Edit Column Properties). 


    Once the names of the columns match, it should then pull correctly in the report. If they do match and it still isn't pulling correctly, please contact support@smartsheet.com with the issue and they will be able to troubleshoot further. 

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