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Update requests with predecessors?

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

Hi all, 


I am trying to send out update requests with Smartsheet with tasks with a predecessor, but the other user is not able to make a change. 


I would have assumed that if someone needs to update the sheet, even with a predecessor on the task, this should show and allow for the change to be made? 


Any help is greatly appreciated. 


  • Zack S
    Zack S Employee

    Hello Nico, 


    With dependencies enabled, End Dates of sub-tasks, as well as Start Dates of sub-tasks that are driven by a predecessor, aren't editable from an Update Request. This will also extend to Predecessors. 


    This is because these values are being calculated automatically by Smartsheet with the engines inside the app. When filling out an Update Request, you are looking at a static field which includes values from the sheet. It isn't able to make calculations when those fields are updated, as those can only be made within the actual app. This will also occur in Reports and on the mobile app.


    I've added your vote to be able to edit dependency controlled cells in Update Requests to our enhancement request list to be reviewed by our Product team. 


    Let me know if you have any questions on this. 

This discussion has been closed.