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Filtering on name

I am struggeling with fitering on name when generating reports. The filter in the report refers to the e-mail address of the user while the entry is the affiliated name. 

E.g I am not able to sucessessfully use negative filtering eg. show all that is not christopher.grinde@ge.com since the entry is Christopher Grinde. 


Please advise. 





  • Hi Christoher,

    When you click the drop-down arrow in a contact list column, you'll see the following:


    1. Email addresses of anyone who is shared to the sheet. The names will match what is displayed when you click the “Sharing” tab at the bottom of the sheet, which is pulled from the collaborator’s account settings (Account > Personal Settings).

    2. Any values from your contact list that you've assigned to a row. In this case, the name is pulled from your Smartsheet Contact List (Account > My Smartsheet Contacts).

    3. Any email address that has been manually typed into the column, even if it's not in your Smartsheet Contact List.


    If you've assigned a task to a contact from your Smartsheet Contact List and the name doesn’t match what the user has recorded on their Smartsheet account, this will create duplicate values for that person in a sheet's contact list drop-down menu and may not match what you see on the "Sharing" tab, and as you are seeing, for yourself on reports,


    What I would recommend assigning yourself a task on a sheet (making sure that the contact is correct - your first and last name show up, as well as your email address when you double click on the cell - see screenshot).

    Then run a report across all your sheets, bringing in both Christopher Grinde and christopher.grinde@ge.com. Drag fill the correct contact down and this will update all tasks you are assigned to, which will help negate the issue when you are creating reports.



    10-12-2016 1-45-58 PM.jpg

  • All resources have been assinged using the drop down menu, mening there is a correspondance between the e-mail and the used name. 

    The problem appears to be that the report filter/select logic used when setting up the report filter on the e-mail addresses while the entries handled are on the name. The result is that the selct logic doesn't work. 



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