Archived 2016 Posts

Archived 2016 Posts

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Printing Sight View

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

Is it possible to print a Sight view?  I spent a long time setting up an attractive Sight pulling from a report and other data and now want to be able to print it.  What are my options?  By publishing it to a URL, will I be able to print the URL view?


Thank you for any feedback!


  • Employee
    edited 10/14/16

    Hello—there isn't a way to print a Sight from Smartsheet, they can only be published at this time, but I'll add your vote for this to our enhancement request list for further consideration by our Product team.

  • ✭✭

    Thank you!  I assume that the best way to pull pictures and components of  various shapes, types, and configurations together in one attractive view is through Sight.  Being able to print a Sight or at least export it as a PDF or into PowerPoint would be very helpful and make the product more useful to us.

  • Employee
    edited 10/14/16

    Hi PG,

    Thanks for your question. We plan to release Sight Print in November, so stay tuned!


    In the meantime, both Windows and Mac have built-in screen snipping tools that you can use to copy and/or print part of your screen:


    I would recommend trying one of these. A number of other free tools also have screen snippers, including OneNote and Evernote.


    Best regards,


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