Count of All Items, where Start Date is less than Today

edited 12/09/19 in Formulas and Functions


I am trying to get a count of all Task Named: "To Do", where "Start Date" is less than Today's date.

I am using: COUNTIFS(Task Name, "To Do", StartDate, "StartDate < Today()"), for this, I keep getting '0', but I see there are at least 4 tasks meeting this criteria.

Any help if very much appreciated. 

Thank you,



  • Frank Falco
    Frank Falco ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    There are a couple of issues here.

    You should not have the "" around "StartDate < Today()"

    The Task Name and StartDate should be ranges such as [Task Name]:[Task Name] and StartDate:StartDate (if the column has a space in it you need to use [])

    The critereon for the date should just be <TODAY()

    So the code should look like this:

    =COUNTIFS([Task Name]:[Task Name],"To Do",StartDate:StartDate, <TODAY())

    if you want to restrict to something less than the whole column then use numbers in the range.

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