Archived 2016 Posts

Archived 2016 Posts

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Issues linking cells

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

I have created a dashboard linking cells to cells in other sheets. It has been working great.


However, I am now running into issues when linking new cells:


  1. 1. The End date is not populated.
  2. 2. The %Complete in the dashboard does not roll up the the group.


If I try to link the <End Date> cell it says, "You cannot create a link in this cell because it's value is determined by a project dependency"


What am I missing?








  • Are you cell linking into a Gantt enabled sheet with dependencies enabled?


    I do not see a column for duration, which is used to calculate the end date

  • Great! That was it. I was not linking the duration as it was not needed in the main dashboard. This solved both my issues. Talk of killing two birds with one stone... :)


    Thanks Benjamin for your quick response.


    p.s. This would be a great thing to add to FAQ/Troubleshooting.  That way, othes can benefit from it.

This discussion has been closed.

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