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Does Login History track login via a sheet URL?

Apologies for a very basic question but would like to be 100% sure.


If a user with an account accesses a sheet via the Edit URL for that sheet, will they show up in the login history?


I'm guessing they WON'T but as I say, just want to be fully sure.


We have a lot of users who started off accessing the odd sheet via a distributed URL rather than logging in at smartsheet.com - we have created accounts for them but they have bookmarked the URL and just keep using it!


Is there anyway to generate a new URL for an individual sheet, to "flush out" this behaviour if we want to?


  • Hello Spencer—I believe you're referring to the log in window located in user management. This will only show the times that users on your team plan have logged in to, and logged out of the application (for any reason). 


    If your team member accessing the sheet is doing so via a published link, they don't have to log in and as such, they won't appear on the log in window. You can unpublish the sheet to stop them from accessing it in this manner: http://help.smartsheet.com/articles/522078-publishing-smartsheet-items#StopPublish


    Otherwise, if the user has bookmarked a sheet link, this still requires them to be shared on the sheet from the Sharing tab, and therefore they must log in to Smartsheet to access the sheet. As long as they're on your team, they'll appear in the User Management log in history window.


    Let me know if you have any questions on this behavior.

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