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Copying from excel 'cell' level to smartsheet cell

Jen Hartwig
Jen Hartwig ✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

I need to transfer a great deal of cell level data (including sketches that have been inserted) from an excel worksheet into my smartsheet.  There doesn't seem to be a paste functionality at the cell level??  Or am I missing something really obvious?!  thx!


  • Jen, Just right-click at the cell level to see the options.  "Paste" and "Paste Special" are there, as are their quick-key combinations, assuming you have sufficient authority to edit the data in this particular sheet.

  • Hi All—the best way to accomplish this is by using keyboard shortcuts, as the contextual right-click menu in other apps doesn't care over to and from Smartsheet.



    Copy —Ctrl + C

    Paste —Ctrl + V



    Copy —Cmd + C

    Paste —Cmd + V

  • Jen Hartwig
    Jen Hartwig ✭✭
    edited 11/04/16

    Thanks for your help.  Ctrl+ C/V does work great for any text I need to carry over, thank you for the tip!  Unfortunatley I also have illustrations (fashion sketches) that I need to bring in; they do not cut/paste in.  I believe it is because they are inserted into the excel spreadsheet, but not cell data....if that makes sense.  Any thoughts in this case?!!   

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