Count only if Parent

I have a [RowID] column that is populated by this formula =IF(ANCESTORS@row = 0, COUNT($ANCESTORS$1:$ANCESTORS@row, "")) It returns sequential numbers but, I need it to only count if Ancestor = 0

Secondly, I need the result fill format to look like this 0000 (like an auto number)








  • Schiff A.
    Schiff A. Employee

    Hi @Stavros_McGillicuddy,

    To count only rows where ANCESTORS = 0, use COUNTIF or COUNTIFS to check the number of ancestors first.

    A simplified formula would look something like this:

    =IF(Ancestors@row = 0, COUNTIF(Ancestors$1:Ancestors@row, Ancestors@row = 0), "")

    For the fill, you can leverage the LEN function. If the row count is one digit, we need three 0s, if it's two digits, we need 2 0s etc. By using a Nested IF statement you can insert the correct number of leading 0s.

    =IF(LEN(RowID@row) = 1, "000" + RowID@row, IF(LEN(RowID@row) = 2, "00" + RowID@row, IF(LEN(RowID@row) = 3, "0" + RowID@row, RowID@row)))

    You can expand this for how ever many or few fill digits you need.

    Let me know if you have any questions!


    Solution Implementation Manager


  • Detrie Zacharias
    Detrie Zacharias ✭✭✭✭✭

    Thanks Schiff. this works as expected.

    Is there any way this could nested into one formula?

    =IF(ANCESTORS@row = 0, "DMR" + COUNTIF(ANCESTORS$1:ANCESTORS@row, ANCESTORS@row = 0, "", (IF(LEN(RowID@row) = 1, "000" + RowID@row, IF(LEN(RowID@row) = 2, "00" + RowID@row, IF(LEN(RowID@row) = 3, "0" + RowID@row, RowID@row))))))

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