How can I specify a range in one column and return a value in another column?

Michael Figone
edited 02/06/20 in Smartsheet Basics

I want something like this (that works:-))

=IF([Estimated Days to Completion]<10, "Red", IF [Estimated Days to Completion]>10, "Green")

So, if I specify a value less than 10 in one column, a red dot appears in the other column. Same idea for green.


Best Answer


  • Hi Michael,

    Use this in your other column:

    =IF([Estimated Days to Completion]@row < 10, "Red", [Estimated Days to Completion]@row > 10, "Green")

    but do make sure that this column is of "Symbol" type and select the correct option having Red, Yellow, Green.

    Hope it helps!



  • Cool! Thanks. It worked. What if I wanted to throw an AND statement in there somewhere?