Formula help using RYG Balls

I have dependencies enabled on my sheet and working days set for Monday – Friday. I am trying to write a formula to change the ball color based on the Hard Deadline. If hard deadline is within 5 working days then red; hard deadline is within 10 working day then yellow; over 10 working days green. My formula returns #UNPARSEABLE

=IF([Hard Deadline]@row - TODAY() < -5), "Red", IF(And([Hard Deadline]@row - TODAY() < 5, "Yellow"), "Green")))

I’ve also tried this formula and get the same #UNPARSEABLE

=IF([Hard Deadline]@row <TODAY(-5), “Red”, IF([Hard Deadline]@row <=TODAY(5), “Yellow”, “Green”))

I am new to Smartsheet and formulas, so any assistance I can get would be greatly appreciated.

Best Answer


  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome Community Champion

    Your second formula should not be returning an error. Are you able to provide a screenshot of the sheet with sensitive/confidential data hidden, removed, or replaced with "dummy data" as needed? If possible, please be sure to include the column names and have a cell "opened" as if you are going to edit it so that we can see the formula as it is in the sheet?

  • Patty Clark
    Patty Clark ✭✭✭

     I attached a screen shot of the sheet I'm working on with the formula. There are 2 additional columns on the sheet: Comments and Ohio State Fair.

    Thank you for looking at this for me.

  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome Community Champion

    It looks like you are using "smart quotes" like what you find in Microsoft Word and other programs like it.

    Try either re-typing the formula directly into the sheet or using a program like Notepad.

    Notice how in your screenshot the quotes are kind of slanted and are very obviously open/close type quotes whereas even the quotes used when typing in the Community here are straight up and down and there is no difference between open/close quotes?

    " "

  • Patty Clark
    Patty Clark ✭✭✭

    Thank you. Changing the quotes did take care of the error message; however, I still can't get the ball to appear red if deadline is within 5 days, green for all other dates. But I'm going to keep trying with the formula.

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Want to practice working with formulas directly in Smartsheet?

Check out the Formula Handbook template!