Are there any way to capture date and time of a particular dropdown status?

Vivien Chong
Vivien Chong ✭✭✭✭✭✭

We want to track the timing from Process A to Process B, and to minimise the update action by the Field Workers.

For example:

cell A (dropdown list) | cell B (date) | cell C (time) | cell D (date) | cell E (time)

*Note: Cell B & C can also be separated into date and time column respectively

Cell A is a dropdown status column = Submitted, Assigned, Pending, Complete

When status in cell A changes to "Assigned," update date and time into cell B and C

When status in cell A changes to "Complete", update date and time into cell D and E

In the above scenario, Field Worker will just need to focus on Cell A to update their status.

Appreciate any guidance or workaround.

Thank you and have a blessed day!
